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The River

The River... any of those mysterious streams that carry every kind of vessel from steamboats to rowboats. Vessels that catch and hold the bankside bystander’s attention who stare, wonder, and wish they could be aboard to experience this other world. Now, this world-unto-itself is wonderfully opened to us by Captain Don Sanders’ collection of tales from his life, as well as other people, places, and things along the river.

Captain Donald J. Sanders’ The River takes the reader on an adventure of 65-years along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. A riveting book featuring the natural wonders and the people who ply the mighty rivers. This hardbound, full color historically significant book preserves river boat stories for future generations.


ISBN: 979-8-9870255-3-6

The River

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    A full-service independent publisher since 1991

    19 Garfield Place, Suite 208. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

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