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The Lucky Greyhound by Beverly Helmbold Erschell

The Lucky Greyhound, a picture book written and illustrated by Beverly Helmbold Erschell.

The Lucky Greyhound will delight children and adults alike. It combines vibrant artwork by Greater Cincinnati artist Beverly Erschell with an educational and entertaining story that will engage dog owners and animal lovers. The true story follows Maple, a lovable greyhound from her beginnings as a racing competitor, to her days as a lifesaving blood donor, through her adoption by the author-artist.

Each fanciful vignette is illustrated with a line drawing or painting. Erschell created more than thirty original artworks for this book, which provides a fascinating introduction to the largely unknown world of greyhound adoptions.

The Lucky Greyhound by Beverly Erschell

ISBN: 978-0-9894271-6-6

Retail price: $14.95 plus applicable retail tax and shipping

40 pages.

Full-color interior and soft cover, perfect bound

The Lucky Greyhound by Beverly Helmbold Erschell

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    A full-service independent publisher since 1991

    19 Garfield Place, Suite 208. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

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